Daily Leetcode Solutions
Karleb Harkeju
1 day ago
I am really losing my leetcode steeze.
On one hand, it is good because I am getting engagements IRL but this was never the plan.
Today's question is an easy medium although I can not do it without help and I do not know how to explain that it but it is not hard at all. Trust me.
Karleb Harkeju
1 week ago
Today on #leetcode.
Funny thing is, I don't fully understand this simple problem. I know for sure the modulo operation is optimizing the process, the other alternative is to keep subrating the values of chalk array from k which is the example that was given on leetcode.
These are times I wish I had a neetcode video but unfortunately, bro did make a video today. I am used to that guy even though he codes in python, I don't think I can watch others video.