How to Apply for a Student Loan in Nigeria
Caleb Adeleye
- Post By Caleb Adeleye
- 3 months ago
Step-by-Step Guide:
1. **Visit the Official Portal**
- Go to
2. **Begin Application**
- Click on the "Apply Now" icon.
3. **Start the Process**
- Click on the "Get Started" icon.
4. **Confirm Nationality**
- Answer the questions on the page.
- Click on "Yes, I am a Nigerian" to proceed.
5. **Verify Educational Information**
- Select your school from the drop-down menu.
- Provide your matriculation number to check if your school has uploaded your details.
6. **Verify with JAMB**
- Click on the "Verify with JAMB" button and enter your JAMB details on the screen.
- If your NIN is not registered with JAMB, there will be an input field for you to enter your NIN for validation.
7. **Create an Account**
- Enter your email address, password, and confirmation password in the fields provided.
- Click on the "Create Account" button.
8. **Email Verification**
- Check your email for a verification link.
- Click on the email verification link to complete the account creation process.
By following these steps, you will successfully apply for a student loan in Nigeria.