Why I Can't Marry Below My Economic Class
Taiwo Ayandeyi
- Post By Taiwo Ayandeyi
- 4 months ago
Me and my younger sister were having our usual afternoon gossips and gists and something came up.
I asked after a close friend of hers whom i know to be very affluent and she erupted that i should stop asking after her that she doesn't support me dating any of her close friends. I asked her why, she said i have nothing to offer her friend. I mean, imagine, I'm some years away from 30, working with several firms of which 1 is among the top 10 highest grossing in the country and this big head has the audacity to tell me i can't hook her rich friend.
I take us down memory lane to the reason why she ditched her immediate ex, she told me the dude was struggling and she didn't see much prospect in him, her childhood crush oo. I asked her what's the difference between me and her? She couldn't come up with a valid response. She kept on hollering that I'm supposed to be a provider. Provider my ass.
As a man, I've set the standard of not getting involved with women below my economic class or earnings and i see nothing wrong with it. If women see marrying above one's class as normal, we men shouldn't accept anyone below par also.
Woman wey no get shingbai for account go dey give man wey dey earn conditions, what absurdity!
Let's stop fooling ourselves with love shi. Marriages and relationships are transactional.
It's an arrangement and one has to make the best of choices. What are you bringing to the table?